Search: Desoldering *Tool[^A-Za-z]
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29 Mar 2004 - 21:32 - NEW
A desoldering iron is a SolderingIron made specially for desoldering. Generally they have a hollow tip iron combined with a DesolderingTool of some variety. I've yet ...
19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW
TWiki Guest
there are several common styles of desoldering tools commonly available that allow the use of a regular SolderingIron for desoldering: Plunger-style tools use a spring ...
12 May 2006 - 09:00 - r1.10
Introduction to ECU Chipping by David Blundell Please feel free to link to this article, but "mirroring" is highly discouraged, as you will not automatically receive ...
11 Apr 2005 - 22:19 - r1.6
"Chipping" an ECU means replacing the program running the ECU . Chipping is just slang. What we actually do is program (or "burn") a new bin file to the ROM to replace ...
Number of topics: 4
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